Burnaby Public Notification Signage Pilot Project
Public notification signs are placed on site when development applications require zoning changes to inform the public of proposed land use changes in their neighbourhoods and let them know how to give feedback to Council.
Renovate the Public Hearing has partnered with the City of Burnaby to test pilot signage developed in response to feedback that public notification signs could be more clear, engaging and accessible.
There are many components of public engagement when it comes to land use decisions, and one key element is how the public is notified of land use changes in their communities. Our goal is to make information about development applications more easily seen and understood so that community members are better informed about changes in their neighbourhoods.
The Renovate the Public Hearing collected data on public notification methods and signage in a wide variety of BC municipalities. Our pilot signage for the City of Burnaby was designed based on feedback from a focus group that studied Burnaby’s current public notification signage and gave recommendations for improvements.

For reference, the current standard development application signage for the City of Burnaby is pictured to the left.
Important feedback was that signs should be less text-heavy, clearer, more colourful and more engaging.
Specific Feedback:
Use high-contrast colours and visual aids
Display rendering of proposed building when available
Section information into blocks for clarity
Use clear language and translations when possible